Frequently Asked Questions
So, You Have Questions
We’ve collected some of our most Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) to help address common questions apartment marketers have when evaluating Apartmen tGeofencing.
Need to speak to one of our sales experts about local apartment advertising for your property? Schedule a 1-on-1 today to gain FREE geofencing expertise. Not ready to talk? Drop us a line and we’ll answer your question as soon as possible.
What is geofencing marketing?
Geofencing marketing is a location-based marketing (LBM) strategy that relies on GPS technology from smartphones to deliver relevant ads to potential customers who have stepped into custom digital “fences,” or geofences. Apartment Geofencing can help your multifamily property set up geofences around competitor leasing sites, local gyms, parks, stadiums, events and more! Visit our How Geofencing Works page to learn more.
What is the commitment?
Our fully transparent pricing model does not lock our customers into any long-term contracts. The initial commitment is three months, then month-to-month after that. Apartment Geofencing makes location-based marketing feasible for any budget.
How can we tell if it's working?
We can track impressions, commercial views, clicks to your website and, most importantly, walk-ins by creating a geofence conversion zone at your leasing office. Over time, we optimize the campaigns to increase walk-ins and decrease cost-per-acquisition to show an incremental increase in foot traffic.
Can I geofence my competitors?
YES! We can politely steal customers who walk into the premises of your competitors’ leasing offices with geofence marketing. We have also found that geofencing neighborhood hot spots can draw prospects from top employers to pique interest.
Ready to dive into location-based marketing for apartments with one of our sales experts? Schedule a demo today!
What is a target zone?
A target zone is made up of designated hot spots that we draw a digital fence around to target potential renters. Unlike standard geofencing apartment marketing agencies, we do not simply set up a radius around target zones. Our geofences are accurate within feet, customized to precisely target the perimeters of a desirable premise. These target zones capture mobile advertising identifiers (also known as mobile ad ID or MAID) from walk-in traffic to start sending targeted ads to visitors on their mobile phones and other connected home devices upon connecting to their home WiFi network.
How much does it cost? features pricing packages tiered for incremental performance suitable for any budget. For as little as $295/month, our Saver Package unlocks high-performing geofencing campaigns for savvy apartment marketers and multifamily property owners. Click here to see our full pricing options.
Our penalty-free cancellations make geofencing for apartments accessible for all apartment marketing budgets. Instead of having to coordinate with an external apartment marketing agency to optimize visuals and video ads, we facilitate creative creation for a small, one-time setup fee.
How quickly can I get started?
From the initial kick-off call to the campaign, going live typically takes six business days, assuming we receive all assets and feedback in a timely manner. For campaigns with video production, the process can take up to 14 business days. Once the campaigns goes live, your ads will start to show immediately. We remove the need to work with a separate apartment marketing agency to streamline the creation of your creatives.
Where do potential customers see ads?
Apartment-specific mobile ads will appear on the tens of thousands of apps and mobile websites that accept advertising, such as the Weather Channel app, MSN and ESPN. Mobile ads can vary in size and can rotate to deliver key messaging and branding for each local apartment.
15-30 second video ads appear in streaming platforms like Sling TV, Pluto TV and more! Now we can even target customers watching Hulu or listening to popular music streaming services like iHeart Radio and Spotify. We can also create video ads formatted for television using asset photography — without expensive filming.
Submit a question or schedule a demo to learn more!
What are conversion zones?
Conversion zones are the most powerful tool for tracking online to offline conversions in mobile multifamily advertising. By tracing a virtual conversion zone around a physical location, apartment marketers can measure the amount of physical traffic to the location from any customers who have seen your ad. Essentially, the physical location of your leasing office or (even the drivable area in a garden-style property) serves as the ultimate conversion zone as we work to increase walk-ins to your location.
Ready to add hyper-local geofencing to your apartment marketing? Book a demo today!
Geofencing should be a must for any strategic multifamily marketing plan and the team has been incredible to work with.

Ready to see how we can boost qualified walk-ins to your leasing office through geofencing?
In just 30 minutes, you can gain FREE geofencing expertise.