2 min read

ChatGPT vs Bard...Who did it best?

ChatGPT vs Bard...Who did it best?

I’ve noticed that ChatGPT has a certain default style, very cheerful and enthusiastic, like a ticket seller at a circus.

Bard on the other hand, feels more like a bot, adapting a programmer-like tone. Both of these chat bots however, claim that their default writing style is neutral, informative, and objective.

Explain geofencing ads to a five-year-old. 

As an experiment, I gave the following prompt to both AI chatbots: 
💻 Explain geofencing ads to a five-year-old in five sentences or less.

Below are chatbot responses. Which bot do you think did it best?


Geofencing ads are like a special bubble around a place, like your school or a park. When you go inside the bubble, you might see ads on your parents' phones about toys or treats nearby. But when you leave the bubble, the ads go away, just like magic! It's a way for companies to show you things they think you might like when you're close to their store.

I was surprised that Bard churned out a lengthier response. I specified in the prompt to keep the response to five sentences or less.


Sure, here is an explanation of geofencing ads for a 5 year old in 5 sentences or less:

  • Geofencing ads are like virtual fences that businesses set up around their stores.
  • When your phone enters the geofence, the business can send you ads.
  • This way, businesses can show their ads to people who are most likely to be interested in their products.
  • Geofencing ads can be a fun way to learn about new businesses and products.
  • But it's important to remember that businesses are trying to sell you something, so be careful about what you click on.

Here is an example that a 5 year old might understand:

If you're walking home from school and you pass by a toy store, the toy store might send you an ad on your phone for a new toy that they just got in.

This is because the toy store knows that you're interested in toys, since you're walking past their store.

Geofencing ads can be a fun way to learn about new toys, but it's important to remember that the toy store is trying to sell you something.

Who did it best...Bard or ChatGPT?

Here’s what I found: 


❌ ChatGPT incorrectly states that the ads disappear after leaving the geofenced area. Wrong. The beauty of geofencing advertising is that recipients are able to receive ads well after they've left a geofenced area. ChatGPT simplified its explanation of geofencing ads to proximity marketing, which is a related but different concept.

✅ Bard nailed accuracy on its first try, correctly explaining that the ads continue to display after leaving a geofenced area


✅ ChatGPT uses the metaphor of a "special bubble" to describe geofencing. Interesting. Geofencing is still a new technology that not many understand. I like the creativity used here and can see how this explanation can help new users grasp the concept of geofencing. 

❌ Bard provides a more straightforward explanation without relying on creative metaphors or analogies. This is still a great explanation for folks older than five. But I don’t feel inspired.

ChatGPT understood the assignment better.

🏆 Winner: Even though ChatGPT missed some marks on accuracy, I do think it understood the assignment better, giving a tangible framework for people new geofencing ads to understand the topic better. 

Which chat bot do you prefer to use on your day-to-day to gain more productivity?

Bard (1)-2-1

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